How to tell if a baby’s skin has a problem?

When you are born until the first years of your baby’s development, there will be strange signs on your baby’s skin. Mom do not worry, baby skin is not perfect, but does not mean this is a sign of pathology. Most defects in the newborn’s skin will be corrected and disappear over time. But others are caused by a viral or fungal infection. Let’s learn about newborn skin so mom can take care of baby gently.

Normal manifestations in the newborn’s skin:

Rash: newborn babies are prone to rashes, most rashes during this period are “normal”, just wait patiently, a small number of new cases require treatment or intervention from a doctor.
Physiological jaundice: Although the newborn is full term, there will be mild physiological jaundice (rate of 9%) from the 2nd to the 5th day after birth and lasts until the 7th or 8th day. over. If the mother sees the baby’s jaundice manifested more or more, accompanied by abnormal symptoms, the mother should take the baby to see a doctor and consult a doctor.
Acne in a newborn will heal on its own within a few weeks and does not require treatment.

  • Millet rash: small white papules caused by poor overall growth in the newborn’s skin (50% rate) and usually go away on their own within a month without treatment.
    Dry skin in newborns: After 2 to 3 days of birth, your baby’s skin may look brighter but it is accompanied by a feeling of dryness and flaking. Because the baby has been in a liquid environment for months before, when born, the skin begins to recover, by peeling off old skin cells.
    Buffalo buffalo will mostly go away on its own, and it does not cause itching, but if the severity, signs of superinfection or bleeding, should see a doctor for advice. Heat rash is a common disease that can make your baby uncomfortable, sleepless.

    Mom, remember to keep cool for newborn babies, especially in summer, she needs to avoid sweating. Usually, the rash will go away on its own after a few days, but if it persists, or festers, swollen glands, yellow fluid leaks, etc.


Worrying expressions on the skin of a newborn baby:

Bacterial skin infections: The skin of the lesion is swollen, red and painful, redness, blisters, boils, pustules when broken into sores or blisters. Lymph nodes can be enlarged and painful in relation to the infected area … Symptoms Body symptoms such as fever, loss of appetite, etc.
Viral skin infections: Symptoms of fever, associated lymphadenopathy, signs of headache, anorexia, drowsiness, vomiting, diarrhea, or dry cough, etc.They often appear as a rash (Measles , Rubella, ..) blisters (Chickenpox, Hand, Foot and Mouth, …).
Fungal skin infections: Usually cause itching or sometimes less itching. Symptoms appear as spots or patches (white, milky, pink, brown) that often have fine scales, scrape off as chalk. There are also manifestations such as reddish streaks, fringing, pronounced edges, vesicles with blisters.
Diaper rash: is a dermatitis caused by contact with urine, stool, sweat or cleaning agents. Diaper rash can also be caused by a yeast infection, a bacterial infection, or an allergy to diapers. You can prevent this by changing your baby’s diaper regularly when it feels wet or dirty, so keep the diaper area clean and dry.

Choosing baby diapers is also important in soothing protection for baby skin, because diapers in contact with baby skin almost 24 hours to protect skin from contact with daily waste. When choosing diapers, moms should note the following criteria:

The diaper must be very soft, soothing for baby skin because newborn skin is very thin and immature, sensitive to adult skin up to 30%.
Good absorbency, protects the baby’s skin from daily chats, giving babies a pleasant and comfortable feeling.
Have a medical certificate to help prevent diaper rash.
Soft material does not cause scratches, safe with the baby’s very sensitive skin.
Designed to help air circulate easily, creating airy and dry space.